What is Pressure Treated Timber?

Pressure Treated Timber is wood that has been submerged in a preservative solution. At MCD Garden Sheds, we use Pressure Treated Wood to provide our customers with a 10 year anti mould and anti rot guarantee.

As a carpentry company, our wood is an essential material. It is lightweight, versatile, flexible material that is easily worked with carpentry tools. It lasts even longer when it’s fully pressure treated.

Wood is less expensive than material such as steel, but it is prone to rot and decay. How do you combat this? The only sure-fire way to protect wood from rot and decay is through ensuring it is treated properly. At MCD Home & Garden our wood is fully pressure treated. 

What does “Fully Pressure Treated” mean?

Pressure Treated Timber is wood that has been submerged in a preservative solution within a pressure chamber. The pressure inside the chamber forces the preservatives to be absorbed. This in turn will bind with the fibers inside the wood. This provides effective protection from rot and decay. The most common preservative solution used in pressure treating is ‘Alkaline Copper Quat’ (also known as ACQ). This solution is used as it is poisonous to the bacteria, insects and fungi, which cause decay and rot. Fully pressure treating timber provides more robust protection than topical treatments. The pressure treatment will protect throughout all the timber as opposed just providing a top layer of protection. 


10 – Year Anti-Rot Guarantee

Through the absorption and binding of the preservatives to the wood fibers. The timber is protected from rot for up to 10 years. This is why all MCD Garden Sheds are made with this timber.

Protect Your Investment

By offering full protection from rot, the timber won’t fail you, ensuring your investment in a garden shed is protected. 

Keep Your Garden Looking Clean & Tidy

With 10 years protection against rot, you don’t have to worry about your shed decaying and spoiling the look of your garden. Making your shed the focal point of your garden.

An infographic explaining the five step process involved in the process of Fully Pressure Treating.
This Is How The Process Of Pressure Treating Works

Does this wood matter when buying?

By buying a shed that has not gone through this process, you could expect to see rot two years after construction. The untreated timber is exposed to moisture, insects and contact with the ground. All of these factors accelerate the rate at which rot occurs. Partially treated or coated timber can last up to five years. However the addition of the pressure in the process will protected your shed from rot and mould for 10 years plus. 

Where do you find a Garden Sheds made with fully pressure treated timber?

At MCD Garden Sheds, we provide a wide range of garden sheds. From a summerhouse that doubles as a home office to potting sheds for the gardening enthusiast. All the wood used in the construction of our sheds has been through this process and has been sustainably sourced. Our timber is sourced from forests that are managed sustainably while ensuring all our sheds come protected from rot for ten years as standard.

Does an MCD Garden Sheds last?

Original MCD Garden Shed

MCD Garden Sheds are designed to last. The photo to the left is an original MCD Shed from over 10 years ago.

This shed along with a number of other built at the same time. These sheds can all be found dotted around the Fingal Allotments, in North Co.Dublin. These are all still in use today and have not let the owners down. Since we made these orginal sheds, we have refined our sheds as the business has grown. As things have grown, our focus on high quality, long lasting bespoke Garden Sheds has remained.

Every Garden Shed is made under the watchful eyes of the McDonald family. This family of engineers are passionate about providing all our customers with the most suitable garden shed solution. Using Pressure Treated Timber, they can ensure all our customers receive a product that will stand the test of time.

Where to Buy a Pressure Treated Garden Shed?

At MCD Garden Sheds, our bespoke garden sheds are handmade to order by our team of dedicated in-house expert carpenters. Every Shed comes with our pressure treated wood, a steel roof and waterproof internal membrane as standard. Every Garden Shed we make, is Built To Last. To find out more about our sheds, contact our team here or view our our range below.

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